Cannot transfer rooms.
From the FAQ:
All room assignments are unique and personal to the Gen Con account holder who purchased the badge and requested the assignment. The account holder can manage their room assignment as indicated under the respective Cancellation and Modifications Policies, either by making the change online or by contacting Gen Con Housing call center for assistance.
Room assignments cannot be transferred, traded, or otherwise re-assigned among Gen Con accounts, and room assignments connected to one Gen Con account will remain associated with the originating account until registration ends or the room assignment is cancelled.
Account holders who find themselves unable to attend the convention can modify their room assignment to designate a friend or family member as the primary guest for their room assignment. With cardholder consent, they can also put the primary guest’s credit card on file to secure the assignment and pay the hotel deposit after housing registration ends; but the account holder retains the ability to modify or cancel the room assignment at-will and remains liable for the Terms of Service and any declined credit card transactions. If a room assignment is cancelled and the credit card on file is declined for any reason, the account holder remains responsible for settlement as required to keep their account in good standing. Accounts that fall out of good standing will lose their housing eligibility as described under the Terms of Service.
User Tip! Individuals intending to share rooms should consider the Room Management limitations carefully before buying badges and requesting room assignments: If the account holder cancels his/her badge and becomes ineligible for a room assignment, the room assignment itself becomes invalid and will need to be cancelled. Room assignments issued to one Gen Con account cannot be transferred to another account. To prevent loss of room assignment stemming from the account holder cancelling his/her badge, we recommend that friends and family intending to share rooms designate one member of their group as the purchaser of multiple badges so the account will not become ineligible for a room assignment if another member cancels their badge. As long as there remains at least one eligible badge in a Gen Con account, one room assignment will remain valid and can be occupied by the remaining members.
Important Advisory! Individuals who’ve relied on attendee-to-attendee room trading to obtain rooms and/or avoid cancellation fees in previous years are advised to consider the new policy carefully before requesting room assignments for the current convention. Effective in 2018, all room assignments will remain connected to the originating account unless cancelled. No exceptions will be granted.
Mike Boozer
Customer Service & Event Team Manager
Gen Con LLC