Two years ago the lottery time slots allotted stretched all the way until Sunday evening, and downtown rooms were available until around 2:30-3pm I believe.
Last year it seemed like they condensed it. Most people had slots 4pm or earlier, but the downtown rooms were gone an hour earlier as well, around 1:30-2pm.
Any ideas on what this year will look like?
I personally hope it's the former option. I liked being able to peruse through hotels and rooms a bit more rather than feeling like I have to make a decision extremely quick.
honestly, assuming stable attendance (which is normally the case), I suspect it'll mirror last year. I would say by the 1:30pm-2:00pm the downtown rooms will be gone, probably a little sooner for skywalk connected hotels.
I had 2:10 last year and was able to get a Westin King; I think it was shortly after that they ran out of downtown rooms. Hours later though (as I looked in vain for a Westin double) I saw other rooms pop up as folks dropped and changed earlier bookings.
Just got my email. 4pm EST.
7:28 here. But I got lucky last year and was able to find a 2-bed room through the portal a month or two out, so I'm hopeful I'll be staying downtown regardless!
17:04 EST
I just spoke with someone who has a 12.01 and does not understand how lucky they are...
3:48 pm
My girlfriend received a 12:17 EST time; way better than my 17:04 EST slot.
Back of the bus....again. 8:36.
3:43 EST
The good news is I can still get an out-of-block room at the JW Marriot for the low, low price of $599 per night plus tax.
3:50. I'd already booked Residence Inn on the Canal but that's $2K for 6 nights. Not sure we'll be going this year.
I think they definitely increased the time spread this year. Seeing alot of 5pm+ times quoted. That means that times into the 2-3 timeframe might still have shots at getting downtown.
6.28 pm [EST]. I think it's been four years since the last time I was able to book a downtown hotel through the lottery. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yep. Once again into the evening. 5:58. Not too concerned. Every year they have had the lottery I have not gotten a downtown room on the day housing opens. I have always been able to pick one up later in the portal when someone drops though. That's the plan again this year it seems.
I know someone who registered for a badge last year AFTER times were sent out. This person got 7:07pm, which presumably was the end of the line. Again, this was last year.
I see a couple times in this thread that are later than that, including one that is more than an hour later. That suggests to me that it may be more spread out (assuming roughly same number of registrants, which I think is a fair assumption).
12:52pm this year - first year it has been better than the last 25% of the line, so happy with that.
There's still lots of features that could be added to this process to streamline and to make it less stressful.