It's hard to overstate just how wild the swerves have been on COVID-19; over here in IL, non-essential businesses were told on a Friday afternoon that they had about 24 hours of regular operation before the shutdown went live.
The feds or the state could drop new orders on everyone at any point, up to and including during the convention itself. Anything from con staff other than "wait and see" could become false with a single press conference.
On a lighter note, who's predicting a spike in cosplay of characters with masks?
The way I look at it, there are only 2 responsible actions that they can take at this time, "Wait and See" or cancel. The cancel options probably has a number of hefty contractual obligations that would destroy the Gencon company and end Gencon for good.
"Wait and see" is the only responsible option they can take at this moment. Announcing any actions to be taken when/if Gencon happens would be premature until such time as the CDC and government announce what precautions are going to be required.
And now, a moment of humor:
One of the hottest cosplay outfits for Gencon 2020
Sorry if I came across harshly before, but we've been around this ring a number of times, including in an entire other thread that got locked for reasons like this. I don't want to poo-poo your opinion, I don't want to silence you or say you shouldn't feel the way you feel. But your posts (the ones at issue) are not going to bring about an answer any faster, and they *are* irritating, at least to me. (I don't want to say *you* are irritating, just those particular posts. Posting like you are out of an abundance of concern is if anything a mark in favor of your character :)
A friend and I enjoy GenCon each year. This year is our first year for winning the housing lottery! Should GenCon get cancelled, I would support putting tickets and housing arrangements in stasis for 2021. We will be back, regardless, but if possible, I’d like to save our winning slot. Everyone stay safe out there and remember, you can still play D&D remotely!
Roderick Robertson Forum Coordinator Gen Con, LLC.
[This post has been removed]
I dont think that a decision needs to be made now. Origins will decide May 1 whether their convention goes on. So I wouldn’t expect Gencon to decide before they do.
I do think Gencon should be planning on changes though. The annual dealer hall stampede is not a good idea generally. Even worse to be packed in like sardines with a virus going around. There needs to be a clear line into the hall that utilizes social distancing instead of the bum rush method of the past.
According to the the recent article, Indy is a hot spot, and the virus is expected to be around. Will Gencon have testing policies and procedures? Fever checks? And what about the bathrooms, which are less then hygienic in normal times, but will be a viral disaster without MUCH better cleanings then in the past.
I think its reasonable to expect Gencon to be working on these policies now, and not wait until a decision is made.
Once again the topic is not the Marriott...take it elsewhere.
Spread the vendors out to...where? You'll either be losing event space or cramming shoppers in with gamers.
As for ticketed times, how do you get people out once they are in? 2 hour shopping window, clear the hall, next 2 hour lot in? Anyone who want to run in and grabs some dice or a Magic card is out of luck. Anyone who wants to spend the day shopping or demoing is out of luck.
Anything that is done will make vendors lose money vs a regular year. Will it be worth it for them to even come? (That solves some of the crowding, I guess.)
Why do they have to have game demos in the hall?
Why not have it timed for several hours (or however long) at a time in different rooms?
If the con happens, it will only be because social distancing is no longer necessary. Ergo, the hall can run without social distancing.
I'm not predicting it will run--just pointing out the necessary connection there. The con happening will only come with a removal of the need for social distancing. If SD is still in place, no Con. And if yes Con, then no SD.
That said, I'll probably still pay more attention to hand washing and such, and anyone at that time who is sick should clearly not come (as opposed to someone in a normal year 'feeling bad' but still coming). So some things should likely change, because there's no way COVID-19 is completely gone from the planet by July. But that doesn't mean extreme dealer hall measures. If those have to happen, there won't be a Con anyway. It's like planning what to write in your review of the airline as your plane is slamming into the ground--there's no need to worry about that. :)
Gencon must plan for dealing with the virus aftermath. If you read the Indy article I link to above, it’s clear that the virus will not be gone in July. So there must be social distancing of some sort. And part of that plan is identifying possible recurrence of the virus, which would require temperature checks and other methods.
If people are of the “hope” that everything will be as it was before, and no restrictions will be necessary, then Gencon might as well just cancel the convention. Because it would be insane to cram 60,000 in a convention area with no thought to peoples actual welfare.
Please be realistic. There is no miracle vaccine coming before August. The virus is going to be around. So either steps are taken, some of which will require distancing or enforced lower maximums of people allowed in the dealer hall at one time, or the virus is going to have a wonderful opportunity to spread.
Wishing or hoping things were different is not a plan. Gencon should be planning NOW for how to run a safe convention in our new reality. Or cancel it if Gencon can’t or won’t take such steps.
All conventions will have to cancel for 2020. It is the only way to be safe.