Is there a chance Gen Con could be cancelled?
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Posted by grognard262 papabees

papabees wrote:The best course of action is to get highly vaxxed percentages then lose the masks so that healthy people get it and get over it. Then transmission will largely stop. 

This here is the correct answer.

Masks made total sense when there were no vaccines.  They bought us time until the vaccines were ready and widely available.

Now everyone who wants to be vaccinated is vaccinated.  All masks are doing at this point is dragging this thing out, especially with Delta which is going to require something like 85-90% of people to have some form of immunity before it stops running amok.

Posted by lore seeker samlamiam

samlamiam wrote:
I'll wear a mask if they require it.  I'll wear a speedo if they require it.  Just don't cancel! 


Though I feel confident in saying that nobody wants to see me in a Speedo, so maybe don't go that far...

Posted by quarex

But if EVERYONE is in Speedos, then no-one has to feel singled out!

Posted by tdb

Yeah, but how many saving throws vs. petrification can you make in one day?

Posted by aaronmlopez quarex

quarex wrote:
But if EVERYONE is in Speedos, then no-one has to feel singled out!

No Speedos for me. You'll thank me later. lol!

Posted by cinnibar tdb

tdb wrote:
Yeah, but how many saving throws vs. petrification can you make in one day?
It's all a plot by Big Dice :P

Posted by mikeboozer

As it gets closer the chance of canceling goes down dramatically. 
We are forging ahead!



Posted by catlin matthias9

matthias9 wrote:
squirecam wrote:Gencon has chosen masks for all instead, which is just as valid and easier to police. 

It's definitely not as valid.   Vaccines are far, far more effective. Not sure why we keep having to say that. And, as a manager of a busy public building, I would argue that masks are a lot LESS easy to police.  Many people don't wear them correctly. And others who do wear them correctly point out thr 'offenders' to staff so there can be lot of friction over that as you keep having to nag people to put it over their nose or whatever. 
Sadly... There are people selling fake vaccine cards online. 

Posted by lore seeker catlin

catlin wrote:
matthias9 wrote:
squirecam wrote:Gencon has chosen masks for all instead, which is just as valid and easier to police. 

It's definitely not as valid.   Vaccines are far, far more effective. Not sure why we keep having to say that. And, as a manager of a busy public building, I would argue that masks are a lot LESS easy to police.  Many people don't wear them correctly. And others who do wear them correctly point out thr 'offenders' to staff so there can be lot of friction over that as you keep having to nag people to put it over their nose or whatever. 
Sadly... There are people selling fake vaccine cards online. 

Yep. We just had a spammer post a link to such a site a few days ago.

Posted by egotrip115 grognard262

chaoticneutral262 wrote:
papabees wrote:The best course of action is to get highly vaxxed percentages then lose the masks so that healthy people get it and get over it. Then transmission will largely stop. 

This here is the correct answer.Masks made total sense when there were no vaccines.  They bought us time until the vaccines were ready and widely available.
Now everyone who wants to be vaccinated is vaccinated.  All masks are doing at this point is dragging this thing out, especially with Delta which is going to require something like 85-90% of people to have some form of immunity before it stops running amok.
some people can't get vaccinated 

Posted by monkeyknifefight

No, nothing is getting cancelled again unless it’s in California. A lot of companies and businesses will follow the CDC to a tee though even when it doesn’t make the environment any safer. A perfect example is Disney right now. Place is packed to the gills everywhere. But masks are required because the CDC recommended them. Even when the entire last year it was stressed distancing was more important.

Posted by dotificus mikeboozer

mikeboozer wrote:
As it gets closer the chance of canceling goes down dramatically. 
We are forging ahead!

Yippee! Yahoo! Woo to the HOOOOOOO! We are fully vaxxed, ordering more nerdy face masks, and looking forward to a weird and wonderful Gen Con! 

Posted by donaldbain grognard262

chaoticneutral262 wrote:

All masks are doing at this point is dragging this thing out, especially with Delta which is going to require something like 85-90% of people to have some form of immunity before it stops running amok.

And by dragging things out you mean preventing those who can't get a shot and the...less than clever who won't get a shot from contracting Covid and clogging the hospitals causing others to suffer.  As well as stopping more variants from being created. 

Posted by donaldbain

One thing in our favor is the Colts game.  They would have to cancel it if they cancelled Gen Con and futbol still has a lot of sway with people and whoever makes the decisions will probably have that in mind.

Still, If you're staying over Sunday night I would order dinner in to the hotel and not try to hit a restaurant after the game lets out.

Posted by ladye egotrip115

egotrip115 wrote:
chaoticneutral262 wrote:
papabees wrote:The best course of action is to get highly vaxxed percentages then lose the masks so that healthy people get it and get over it. Then transmission will largely stop. 

This here is the correct answer.Masks made total sense when there were no vaccines.  They bought us time until the vaccines were ready and widely available.
Now everyone who wants to be vaccinated is vaccinated.  All masks are doing at this point is dragging this thing out, especially with Delta which is going to require something like 85-90% of people to have some form of immunity before it stops running amok.
some people can't get vaccinated 
Fewer than 10% of the population can't get vaxxed. Which is why it is super important for those of who CAN get vaxxed to DO IT.

Posted by biohaz6

Honestly surprised there hasn’t been a vaccine or negative test requirement announced. Several upcoming conventions have made the decision recently to do so (C2E2, Dragon Con, PAX West off the top of my head) and it feels like the right call. Will be interesting to see how the logistics of verifying their attendees works out for them since some were late to announce the new requirement. Hoping GenCon makes a decision sooner rather than later. At this point we’re  concerned with the safety of going given the case trends and may end up cancelling and eating the costs. Although we’re vaccinated, masks alone don’t feel like the best answer for the scale and indoor setting of this event. As much as I’m trying to stay positive and hope for a turnaround in the cases it’s not looking great for September.

Posted by sovietprince egotrip115

egotrip115 wrote:
sovietprince wrote:
if it's vaxed only then there is no need for everyone to wear a mask

Fully vaccinated people can both get and transmit the virus.
Large groups indoors should be masked even if everyone is vaccinated.
still protects from severer disease and death, we can't wear mask for the rest of our lives

Posted by sovietprince forar

forar wrote:
Sheesh, first the Reddit thread, and now here?
I don't see why this is so hard to grasp.
Vaccinations are good. Super good. Super Duper Double Plus Tournament Edition Alpha ++ Good. Masks are also good. Masked vaccinated people take those really small odds of infection (let alone serious infection) and make them even smaller.
Many of the games that we play at Gencon reward (or are outright reliant upon) having multiple lines of defense. One Counterspell in my Magic deck is good, more of them is better. Even if some of the others aren't as good as the OG Counter, having more of them is better than not.
It's a small piece of fabric. I don't understand why some so vehemently act like they're forced to wear a barney themed ball gag covered in ghost pepper sauce. It's... a mask. We've been wearing them for the last year and a half. Is it ideal? No. Hopefully 2022 will be something more closely resembling business as usual, but if the current evidence is that it will help, even just a little bit, then let's do that, shall we?
so lets all get it one of those plastic balls so no bacteria can get in and the risk be 0

Posted by ladye donaldbain

donaldbain wrote:
Yes, there is.
I doubt Gen Con the company will cancel, but there's still a chance the city, state, or feds may ban large gatherings.  I'm waiting on the fall out (if any) from Sturgis and Lollapalooza to determine things.  By the the time the con rolls around, any super spreading (if any) will have spread and the proper authorities will take it from there. 
Nothing is certain, and that's for sure
It is, however, highly unlikely that our governor or mayor will further limit or ban large gatherings. The city and the state need the money too much. The State Fair is going on, after all.

Posted by ladye cinnibar

cinnibar wrote:
matthias9 wrote:
squirecam wrote:Gencon has chosen masks for all instead, which is just as valid and easier to police. 

It's definitely not as valid.   Vaccines are far, far more effective. Not sure why we keep having to say that. And, as a manager of a busy public building, I would argue that masks are a lot LESS easy to police.  Many people don't wear them correctly. And others who do wear them correctly point out thr 'offenders' to staff so there can be lot of friction over that as you keep having to nag people to put it over their nose or whatever. 

I'm fairly sure you are not told to check underwear and proper fitting pants and shirt and shoes at your work.    Much easier, isn't it, to just identify those with no shirt, no shoes?
Just try being a teenage girl wanting to wear a tank top to school in the late summer/early fall. Or a grown woman wanting to walk around topless at the beach, like most of the men, and then tell me about how "difficult" it is to police the "offenders."

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