Shuttle service for 2016
Posted by arkangeloflife

I was searching all over and I saw that last year there was a go shuttle partnership for shuttle services from downtown to the airport. I was wondering if this would be returning for 2016 or something of the sorts? I have a reservation at the hilton garden inn airport and dont want to drive to and from daily if at all possible. That all said if there is a shuttle service any idea what the hours will be for such a service?

Posted by marimaccadmin

Transportation Update
In 2016, Gen Con will not contract with prior shuttle providers. Instead, Gen Con is investigating other non-shuttle transportation options for attendees. Attendees are encouraged to find the transportation and parking needs that best suit their convention and housing plans. If additional transportation options become available,Gen Con will announce them via email newsletter and messaging on   

Posted by mikeboozer

[This post has been removed]

Posted by ephraim

So...just use regular public transportation?

Posted by marimaccadmin

Well, it says Gen Con is investigating other non-shuttle transportation options for attendees.  I don't know if something else will come up or not, houwever, I would plan on driving in and parking, or taking uber or a taxi.  

Posted by squirecam

The shuttle has been afwul the past few years. Makes sense not to use any of the prior companies.

Posted by tdb ephraim

ephraim wrote:
So...just use regular public transportation?

Bear in mind that Indy's bus system stops pretty early - I think 10pm or earlier. 

Posted by genconkeeper

Here is the Green Line from the Airport to Downtown.

Posted by mrshiny


Posted by marimaccadmin

That is not a Gen Con shuttle, that's a Airport to downtown shuttle that company offers all the time.

Posted by deltafox65

What are the rules on posting on here if I am planning on offering a ride share program?  And by just stating this have I already broken the rules?  If so "Sorry", if not guidance would be appreciated?

Posted by ephraim

Asking for a friend, are there usually cabs sitting around waiting to take people places? If not how fast is taxi response?

Posted by nialith

You can usually find cabs in front of the Downtown Marriott at most hours of the day/night. 

Posted by marimaccadmin deltafox65

deltafox65 wrote:
What are the rules on posting on here if I am planning on offering a ride share program?  And by just stating this have I already broken the rules?  If so "Sorry", if not guidance would be appreciated?

We don't allow any advertising on these forums without a marketing agreement in place with Gen Con, you'd have to contact [email protected] to arrage that.

Posted by marimaccadmin ephraim

ephraim wrote:
Asking for a friend, are there usually cabs sitting around waiting to take people places? If not how fast is taxi response?

Almost always cabs at the downtown Mariott as people said, you can usually get a cab at any hotel front door, and of course you can just virtually hail an Uber any time with your uber app.

Posted by maijstral2 ephraim

ephraim wrote:
Asking for a friend, are there usually cabs sitting around waiting to take people places? If not how fast is taxi response?
Last year I was at the Westin and on Friday I needed to get to the Concert against Humanity, I planed on a while to find a Taxi and get there. Took me about 30 seconds to get a taxi in front of the Westin at about 7ish.

Concert was about a mile away and I could have walked but I didn't know that....and knowing is half the battle...G.I.Joe.

Posted by darkmage9999

Will there be any shuttles or only public transportation and taxis?  How can a city's public bus line who is made to support the commuters that live there handle thousands more people?  I had zero problems with the shuttle last year from an airport hotel.  Will this mean I will have to go from the hotel to the airport (parking fees at airport?) and then take a bus that locals use or pay 4 times as much for a taxi in?  If this is the case then I would have to say the planning of transportation was very poor.


Posted by mhayward1978 darkmage9999

darkmage9999 wrote:
Will there be any shuttles or only public transportation and taxis?  How can a city's public bus line who is made to support the commuters that live there handle thousands more people?  I had zero problems with the shuttle last year from an airport hotel.  Will this mean I will have to go from the hotel to the airport (parking fees at airport?) and then take a bus that locals use or pay 4 times as much for a taxi in?  If this is the case then I would have to say the planning of transportation was very poor.

It means you're on your own until further notice.

That being said no - don't go from your hotel to the airport, to a local bus, unless you hate life.

I'd recommend you accept that you will be spending $40 a day on transit to/from the con, and plan to use Lyft and Uber.

Posted by ckell

There are parking spaces for about $10 a day.  You only get to go in and leave, but you can drive and park.  Try booking a parking spot.

Posted by marimaccadmin

There is no shuttle this year.  Your hotel may have a shuttle.  Generally attendees have preferred using Uber, a Taxi, or driving in to park downtown.  There is some pubic transportation, but it does not generally seem to be something that attendees prefer to use.

Marian McBrine
Event Coordinator 
Gen Con LLC

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