Hey all,
2 years back we ran an event to trade minis at GenCon that was very popular. This year we are doing it in open gaming. Everyone has extra RPG minis they don't use and are looking for new ones. Come swap out with your fellow GenCon'ers.
Schedule for RPG miniature trading:
Thurs 10 PM-midnight (Hall A - Open gaming)
Friday Noon-2 (Hall A - Open gaming)
Friday 10 PM-midnight (Hall A - Open gaming)
Saturday 10 PM-midnight (Hall A - Open gaming)
I will have a visible sign to mark the location and will share my cell # to anyone looking to coordinate.
Open trading - I'm bringing a couple thousand minis.
Booster Drafting - Bring 2 booster of prepainted minis, draft from a large pool of minis to enjoy. Packs available onsite.
Free mini - Everyone that shows to trade gets a free mini.
Show off your stuff - 3d printer? awesome painter? Come show off your work!