Well seeing in KevinRG's post that 2006 was the last active Sunday was a surprise to me, Del_Grande, so you know, we all have our part to play in remembering about the Auction, haha.
There is certainly a chance that in 2015 the good stuff for colletictible card games went up in its own block. I remember at least a couple of times they were like "spread the word, text your friends that we are selling [whatever super-valuable thing] at the end of the CCG block!" The three "Summer Magic" boosters they sold around 2008 spring to mind.
Wonder if that was the Summer Magic packs in 2004 that were sold for $500 and then flipped for $1500 profit a few hours later (livegame mentions that). That would suggest they were in the wrong slot and then in the correct (better) slot a few hours later.
Oh wow, 2004? Could be. Surprised if I was paying attention to the Auction already by the second year in Indianapolis, but maybe that was one of the subplots that got me hooked in the first place, since I still remember something about it, haha.
Just as sure as this is 2026, I think I have a pretty good grasp on time.
I was guessing dates based on how invested I was in the Auction when I remembered things occurring, rather than on any, like, tangible occurrence. So clearly I was four years more invested than I thought!
Hey guys, any news on the consignment store? Are we gonna be allowed to sell our games? What's the process?
Yeah they know how antsy we all are to know details after that cruel two year period with no auctionin' time at all; I imagine full details will be available by the end of May, given mid-late May is traditionally when registration for items opens.
Any recent news that anyone has heard about? Checked the site, various FB forums and hadn't seen anything of note.
Guess I should have waited.
I checked tonight and the site updated so, looks like the wheels are in motion to get the site up (livegameauctions). One will need to register again (didn't see the new registration button yet). Also, based on the news, one can infer that one of the big changes appears to be that auction stuff needs to be submitted by July 9th and approved. I'm guessing that they probably want to control the amount of items and content. Just guessing as the site isn't fully updated yet and haven't seen anything else yet beyond the news section.
Yeah, this will be an interesting experiment, if indeed this is a one-year thing. I am sure anyone who has attended the Auction for any length of time has experienced the situation where they end up selling five copies of the same common thing in a row, and if those were in the store instead it might improve everything (though, well, the issue of the store running out of space has already been coming up for years)
Selling 5 common things in a row might be worthwhile depending on what the common item. Settlers of Catan is a common item, but if you go back historical, they probably all sell at a reasonable rate. Issue is the unsellable/low demand games. Generally, those are the thrift store/family games. You may think your copy of Trivial Pursuit is going to sell at auction, but chances are, if it does, you are going to get the minimum bid so, those things clog up the store/auction. Another thing is the overpriced stuff. People are pretty good with prices and while you might be able to park X game on Ebay for 2x the current market value, at GC, those things sit there.
July 9 does seem pretty aggressive though to get things for the auction. Most people don't even think about registering until the last week and might be caught off guard by changes like that.
Guess we shall see...
Coolness. Unless I'm looking at things wrong (which I've been known to do many, many times), it looks like we can start registering items for the auction and auction store.
Looks like the registration page is still 2019's version; I just logged in with my account and there is indeed no way to submit a new item.
That said, if I were smart, I would have already written up descriptions of all the stuff I am selling to be ready to go. Particularly since I have had things ready to go for literally years at this point
And yeah, I agree with you certainly; anything people are still actively engaging with in our nerd culture will absolutely sell even if there are a dozen copies of something for sale. I am just thinking of, like, the time someone glued action figures to 20 identical lamps and we had to try to sell them all despite I think not a single one getting a bid. Or some of the early board game mornings when it would be like "O.K. our first of ten copies of the Life boardgame!" and the two people who want one buy the first two, and then the next eight get put in the store where they take up a huge amount of space and never sell.
Obviously this is a hugely subjective call, as even my attending-for-almost-20-years self is still surprised by some of the things that sell and some of the prices they fetch. I know there will be a team of people making the decisions about culling stuff from the live Auction, so I trust they will only reject something if there is a consensus.
Also noticed the max $ for a store item went from $50 to $75