So before any one thinks I antivaxx, my wife and I are fully vaxxed. Have been since the numbers made sense. We have chosen not to have our kids vaxxed because mathematically it seems pretty pointless when we don't have definitive evidence of any long term impact. She has had Covid so her natural immunity is sufficient for us and she has no comorbidity factors. If you made a different choice for your kids that's fine, truly. I'm a big advocate for freedom of choice.
I have brought her with me to Gencon since she was 6 and she is now 16. We both attended last year. It has been a really fun time for a father and daughter to bond and now because of this policy she likely cannot attend this year unless we make a medical choice for her that we feel is not in her best interest at this time.
I know this probably amounts to spitting in the wind and it's "just a gaming convention" but I suppose I just wanted to let Gencon know that their policy choices have real impact. It's frustrating, especially in light of their success last year with less conservative policies.