General Info 2022 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 2022
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Task / Topic Latest Posts
Why am I in a queue again after my wishlist finished?
Started by owlnuttree
Last post by owlnuttree 8
Celebrity List
Started by corydicarlo
Last post by xanathon 10
Hello 2022!
Started by jhs
Last post by rfsullivan 28
Auction/Consignment store for 2022
Started by volkovoy2
Last post by gryfalia 135
Gen Con Video - Housing & Fans Group
Started by austicke
Last post by quarex 4
Thumbs down for vaxx policy
Started by swaygodeus
Last post by mikeboozer 50
Check in with your Housing Portal Queue Time
Started by njseahawksfan
Last post by brumcg 57
Shipping Options?
Started by tacomuerte
Last post by johnadam2 6
Dealer Hall Layout-the Big Guys?
Started by sgibson260
Last post by brumcg 39
Started by werebat
Last post by mikeboozer 4
Children Vaccine
Started by [email protected]
Last post by mikeboozer 2
Event totals
Started by noone
Last post by jhs 25
sad to see the out right deletion of topics on the forum
Started by insane
Last post by papabees 7
new health update:
Started by sovietprince
Last post by mikeboozer 652
Hopefully this means we are all but out of the woods
Started by papabees
Last post by mikeboozer 10
Is there a cap on attendees this year like 2021?
Started by kjamma4
Last post by urielblue 29
Really bummed by the Vaxx policy for kids
Started by papabees
Last post by mikeboozer 9
Video - More on Gen Con Housing
Started by austicke
Last post by whisper721 4
Roommate topic removed this year
Started by darkbrandon
Last post by mikeboozer 2
Help contacting Mike the forum admin
Started by papabees
Last post by bobopaul 10
How late on 8/7 do events run
Started by mzener
Last post by buffythecatslayer 13
Gen Con Auction
Started by mliddell9540
Last post by jerrytel 10
Any word on guest speakers/authors/crit role?
Started by fogel pens and creations
Last post by armadilloal 6
Does Indiana's new gun law affect Gen Con policy?
Started by njseahawksfan
Last post by mikeboozer 4
Any tips for artists attending?
Started by torontomage
Last post by nesbit37 4
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