GM compensation
Posted by garhkal 3 years agoon 4/13/2021 at 4:04 AM

What will this year's GM compensation hours be like??

Posted by lomn8801 3 years agoon 4/15/2021 at 8:04 AM

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Posted by msteinbo 3 years agoon 4/15/2021 at 1:17 PM

Hello!  If you're talking about badges / hotel, I'm assuming same or similar unless we hear differently.  Seems like a fundamental that wouldn't change much unless there was a compelling reason.

Posted by garhkal 3 years agoon 4/16/2021 at 5:46 AM

I was wondering, just because since there's supposedly going to be under 30k, showing up, whether dm's could reasonably be able to MAKE The quotas for hrs worked..  Especially if some tables have to be 1/2 occupancy to meet 'distancing guidelines..

Posted by lore seeker garhkal 3 years agoon 4/16/2021 at 9:10 PM

garhkal wrote:
I was wondering, just because since there's supposedly going to be under 30k, showing up, whether dm's could reasonably be able to MAKE The quotas for hrs worked..  Especially if some tables have to be 1/2 occupancy to meet 'distancing guidelines..

Half occupancy tables? I haven't heard anything about that. I can imagine rooms having half the usual tables, but tables with half the usual people?

Posted by garhkal 3 years agoon 4/17/2021 at 5:47 AM

IF they're still going to be pushign the whole "Six feet social distance" even at the game tables, it would be hard to get that on the round tables as is, even at half capacity...

Posted by buffythecatslayer 3 years agoon 5/1/2021 at 9:27 PM

In order to get a 6' distance between 6 players at a table, the tables would have to be about 12' in diameter.  Not exactly a convenient way to play a game. :-(

Not sure how they plan to limit/social distance players for RPGs and other games, but my feeling is any solution won't be ideal.  

Posted by derekguder 3 years agoon 5/4/2021 at 5:39 PM

Baseline requirements for GM badges and hotel rooms have not changed - a smaller convention doesn't necessarily change how an individual table will operate. There are plenty of conventions much, much smaller than Gen Con that do just fine filling tables all weekend.

That said, we know that this year is going to be different, complicated, and challenging for a lot of folks, so we expect that there will be more questions asked and more exceptions requested to accommodate special circumstances.

We are also planning on health and safety guidelines in September not requiring 6' distance from all other people at all times. We will be spacing tables out from each other out of an abundance of caution, but strict social distancing would make playing most games in a traditional manner virtually impossible.

Those health & safety guidelines from local and national agencies will be regularly reviewed and our plans and policies updated accordingly as we get closer to the show - that means that as circumstances change our approach will be adjust to match.

Derek Guder
Director of Events
Gen Con LLC

Posted by toxic_rat 3 years agoon 5/17/2021 at 11:34 PM

With the compressed schedule this year, are there any notable changes to when we should be requesting GM badges?  

Posted by jstanton 2 years agoon 11/23/2022 at 8:41 AM

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