Still Submit Events?
Posted by magnain


I just got my cleared to be able to go to the show! I have run events at Gencon for years and I love it.

I was so excited to see I can still submit. This late in the process are there any best practices I should follow? 

Thank you!

Posted by amber.lynette

Your best bet is to review the tips page and submit events as soon as possible. This is because events will keep being process and the earlier they are in the more time they are up as an event. 

Posted by derekguder

It is still possible to submit late events, but space is extremely tight, so you will want to keep your event fairly small-scale and avoid "prime time" on Friday and Saturday afternoon to maximize the chance for your event to be approved and activated. Late events are also lower priority as we focus on wrapping up details for events that are already active, so you will need to be patient with the process.

Derek Guder
Director of Events
Gen Con LLC

Posted by conspiracyofgamers

What kind of events are you looking to run?

Posted by magnain derekguder

derekguder wrote:
It is still possible to submit late events, but space is extremely tight, so you will want to keep your event fairly small-scale and avoid "prime time" on Friday and Saturday afternoon to maximize the chance for your event to be approved and activated. Late events are also lower priority as we focus on wrapping up details for events that are already active, so you will need to be patient with the process.
Derek Guder
Director of Events
Gen Con LLC

Hi Derek!

Thank you so much for the advice! I submitted my events for lots of different time slots. Hope something fits.

I know you folks have to buried and I just want to thank you for all you and your teams do! 

Gencon is my Christmas so happy I get to go. 

Posted by magnain conspiracyofgamers

conspiracyofgamers wrote:
What kind of events are you looking to run?

Hi! I belong to a couple of clubs and got hooked up a few years back volunteering 

I have a few events submitted for card games, and a Dungeon Crawl. Along with a couple of new games I got the hook up for 

Just excited to run stuff. I love watching a group just have a blast 

a DM at heart I guess:) 

Posted by conspiracyofgamers

If you're interested in running your events with our group next year, send me a PM and we can talk details.  Sounds like you would be a good fit in our group.  :)

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