Can someone please explain the ranch thing?
Posted by fethbone 2 years agoon 8/2/2022 at 2:41 PM

I like ranch dressing as much as the next person, but is ranch on everything now a gamer "thing" I am missing? 
This is the second year in a row for the ranch pizza, and now this year's featured burger has ranch on it.
I mean I get it's a stereotype gamers are not the healthiest eaters, but why ranch in particular?

Posted by tdb 2 years agoon 8/2/2022 at 4:40 PM

I think it's not so much a "gamer thing" as a "midwestern thing". 

That pizza looks a little weird but I guess I'd be willing to try it.  Hot Box usually does a good job, their Chicken Ranch (yeah, ranch again) is excellent.


Posted by aldctjoc 2 years agoon 8/2/2022 at 4:44 PM

Bleh, I dunno... I can handle small amounts of ranch, but the idea of a whole freakin' pizza? 

I guess it depends. I'd be willing to try a slice; maybe the ranch sauce gets toned down when cooked? I've been converted by people in the past to new things (yes, I had to be forced to try pineapple on pizza. Yes, I like it now. No, lightning has never punished this "heresy" (LOL)), so I can't say I'll hate it without taking a shot at it. But reflexively, the notion of that much ranch sorta bugs me.

Guess I gotta try it sometime.

Posted by fethbone tdb 2 years agoon 8/2/2022 at 7:59 PM

tdb wrote:
I think it's not so much a "gamer thing" as a "midwestern thing". 
That pizza looks a little weird but I guess I'd be willing to try it.  Hot Box usually does a good job, their Chicken Ranch (yeah, ranch again) is excellent.
Being from the midwest and having been known to mix ranch dressing with my salsa on occasion, I do understand the appeal of ranch, but to have a ranch pizza for the second year in a row and now ranch on the burger makes it seem like a pattern. 

If I asked a pizza place around where I live to sub ranch for pizza sauce, I'd be met with an ".....ok?"

Posted by del_grande 2 years agoon 8/2/2022 at 8:34 PM

The only reason I can think of to substitute ranch for, say, pizza sauce, or ketchup/barbecue sauce (not so sure about mayo) on a burger, is, ranch has far fewer carbs. Take it from someone who lost 50, count them, 1, 2, 3, ..., 49, 50 pounds on a "How Low Can Carbs Go" diet - there are plenty of people out there counting them. Of course, ranch on a thick crust pizza defeats the whole purpose.

Posted by maijstral2 2 years agoon 8/2/2022 at 9:26 PM

Its totally a midwest thing, I work in a restaurant in southern Illinois and we sell more ranch than all the other dressings and sauces combined. Not even exaggerating we will go though gallons of ranch every shift, salads, pizza's, sandwiches, dipping sauces for breads. I have had servers tell me that they have seen many a customer just straight up drink whats left in the bowl when they finish and the side of ranch isn't done. Yes we have small serving bowls of sides of ranch and marinara...nothing else and we have 7 different sauces and a dozens different dressings.

Posted by quarex 2 years agoon 8/2/2022 at 9:29 PM

Ranch is delicious.  That is the entire explanation.  I would much rather have a ranch base than a tomato sauce base for a pizza (though honestly I find sauce in general makes pizza too soggy) 

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