Event Organizers & GMs
For Event Organizers and GMs to discuss hosting events at Gen Con
13 14 15 17 19 20
13 14 15 17 19 20
Task / Topic Latest Posts
Hiring/Recruiting GMs
Started by [email protected]
Last post by catarina williams 5
Seeking GMs for RPG D&D Campaigns- Free Badges/Stipend
Started by [email protected]
Last post by buffythecatslayer 13
EO Housing
Started by nascragman
Last post by albertopyhy 17
Looking to Lead Events for 1st time at Gen Con
Started by portanas
Last post by boardcrunch 3
Possible glitch on ticketing?
Started by catlin
Last post by albertopyhy 6
Extra Table for Nascrag
Started by nascragman
Last post by orborneee 24
Booth Designer?
Started by jenoct
Last post by builder16 17
Wait list for games?
Started by experimentalgamer
Last post by josephine-123 17
email from bill.com legit?
Started by erikhawley
Last post by justicehwrk 13
"Roll20 Event Support for Gen Con Online" ?
Started by kishmo
Last post by jackie lou 5
Advertising Tips for Last Minute Events
Started by experimentalgamer
Last post by richrob 21
GEN CON INDY 2022 Event Timeline
Started by biffindy
Last post by albertopyhy 5
How to submit a special event?
Started by lurkingfears
Last post by stevemagdy 8
GenCon Online '22 Event Submission
Started by schoon
Last post by hasenasruom 17
Tempting Fate?
Started by nscott
Last post by jessy123 7
When do we expect to hear back regarding Complimentary Rooms in the GM Hotel Block?
Started by experimentalgamer
Last post by harryroquel 11
Late event review time?
Started by capt4in
Last post by lldebcatiu 11
Hiring a few more GMs for Divination RPG
Started by nyxtesseract
Last post by lldebcatiu 3
A few Late Submission Questions
Started by blairoyler
Last post by nscott 2
Gm schedule and Events registration
Started by nyxtesseract
Last post by nyxtesseract 3
Independent GM Looking for location assignment
Started by cmegus
Last post by buffythecatslayer 4
Buying 10 Tickets for An Event
Started by experimentalgamer
Last post by derekguder 5
Event Locations
Started by dhundycz
Last post by dhundycz 3
Event update message
Started by e4mafia
Last post by derekguder 2
AC - Accepted for Consideration
Started by cmegus
Last post by derekguder 3
13 14 15 17 19 20