General Info 2016 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 2016
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3 4 5 7
Task / Topic Latest Posts
Video game room
Started by god1801
Last post by daveculp 11
admissions tax
Started by supervamp
Last post by funny-shaped dice 7
Any other women having the same problem..
Started by deb9266
Last post by bpunkert 18
Best thing you found by accident/on purpose this year?
Started by soulcatcher78
Last post by jaywhyewe 21
Swag Bags
Started by utherpend
Last post by brotherbock 66
Some Thoughts..
Started by adzumi
Last post by ladyimm 33
Sandslashcosplay; guy in hoodie
Started by gacrux
Last post by gacrux 1
Gencon Catalog....
Started by fizler
Last post by genconkeeper 16
The Good The Bad and the Ugly for 2016
Started by njseahawksfan
Last post by nascragman 151
Gen Con Indy Facebook Group
Started by austicke
Last post by austicke 3
VIG Program and other options.....
Started by fizler
Last post by watchdog 13
One More Day
Started by rutherfordr
Last post by daveculp 9
Connect to an Event organizer/host
Started by zerbads
Last post by derekguder 2
particular around actual surroundings
Started by jayjoe1010
Last post by jayjoe1010 1
ICC Expansion and new Hotels front page stories!
Started by genconkeeper
Last post by genconkeeper 7
Getting Ahead of Myself (Gen Con 2017 Key dates)
Started by ahorsewithnoname
Last post by parody 4
Started by gib_rebeg
Last post by jerrytel 35
Why sellout vendors don't bring more copies. From the vendors themselves.
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by lore seeker 10
Sorry for the spam
Started by marimaccadmin
Last post by marimaccadmin 4
Extremely Curious...Need Help PLEASE
Started by moon_child2013
Last post by helenbb 2
Borderline Offensive Upper Deck Booth at Dealer Hall
Started by eric_90
Last post by garhkal 25
D&D/WOTC/Hasbro Not Appearing at Gen Con 2917!
Started by klaron
Last post by gib_rebeg 12
Note of Appreciation
Started by kharavex
Last post by mikeboozer 2
Why so late next year? Gen Con is Aug 17, 2017
Started by nascragman
Last post by ladyimm 7
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