Official Gen Con specific only Coronavirus thread
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Posted by xanathon dwintheiser

dwintheiser wrote:
Just wanted to say 'thanks' to the folks keeping an eye on this thread and keeping it sane and safe.
Just had to snooze the unofficial GenCon fan page on Facebook because of the sheer number of fear-trolling posts there not trying to pass along any useful information, but simply stirring up angst, stress, and anxiety, apparently just for the lulz.
Yeah that group is about as toxic as can be.  I left it a while ago.  I had to refrain from asking all of the people who think they are COVID-19 experts why they haven't developed a vaccine yet.

Posted by roderick

Okay, guys, enough with the "THEY are bad" talk. Slippery slope and all that. 

Roderick Robertson
Forum Coordinator 
Gen Con, LLC. 

Posted by xanathon devolver42

devolver42 wrote:
I have been lurking on this thread for a long time, and I have only a few things to add.
Gen Con is an important event to me, and to many others.  It is something I look forward to every year.
That being said, my decision to go is not worth any risk to human life.  I am not a virologist or public health expert, so I cannot properly assess the risk to people if Gen Con goes off as normal this year, or if it goes off in a modified form.  I trust the experts on that determination.
I want Gen Con to make the choice that will preserve the life and health of Gen Con attendees as well as the future of Gen Con as a functioning entity, in that order.  This also includes the livelihood of the Gen Con staff and the financial impact on all of the businesses, workers, and other people in Indianapolis that makes this work.
That is a very complicated calculus, one that I am very glad I don't have to decide.  My decision is easy: do I go or do I not go?  On a secondary level, does Gen Con's choice this year affect what I do in future years regarding whether I go or not?  That's a simple, personal choice.  The decision Gen Con has on their plate is far more complicated.
There are no easy answers when it comes to COVID-19.  There are real public health concerns.  There are also real economic concerns.  There's also the psychological well-being of people to consider as well.
The one thing I ask is that people don't simplify this, and understand that this decision is unbelievably complicated and multi-faceted, no matter what is decided in the end.  It is a decision that we, as attendees, can't possibly "armchair quarterback," as we do not know a lot of details, both from the financial end and from the public health end.
The worst thing any of us can do is make poor decisions based on limited or incorrect information, particularly at moments like this.
Good luck to every single person reading this, whether you're a potential attendee, a Gen Con employee, or someone who is financially or professionally impacted, and regardless of whether you personally want Gen Con to happen in 2020 or don't want it to happen.  It is tough for every single one of us.  I hope every single one of you is physically and mentally healthy and well, and even if we don't see each other in 2020, I hope to see many of you in 2021.
I understand where you are coming from.  The elephant in the room is the unknown.  The experts are still learning about this virus and it is unknown whether new cases will begin to rise as states begin to reopen.  I don't fault those in decision making capacities in being cautious, but I will admit that I much more concerned about an economic recession than I ever was concerned about the virus itself.

It appears that if Gen Con is able to be held this year it will be under restrictions that will  have a negative impact on what we know Gen Con to be.  I expect it to be cancelled because of this rather than try to put a severely restricted convention.

I will have to wait and see what 2021 holds as to whether I attend or not.


Posted by lore seeker xanathon

chris pratt wrote:It appears that if Gen Con is able to be held this year it will be under restrictions that will  have a negative impact on what we know Gen Con to be.  I expect it to be cancelled because of this rather than try to put a severely restricted convention.

Personally, I'd rather have a heavily restricted convention than no convention. Partly for personal "I need a vacation badly" reasons, but I also feel like if it could be pulled off safely, it would be a big piece of normalcy clawed back from this virus, even if it doesn't look and feel exactly like a normal Gen Con.

Posted by anneep

My group of 4 is a for sure no this year and because one of us is out of work with no unemployment benefits we do not want to roll over or even take system credit. I am however, patiently waiting to see if we can cancel with no 10$ per badge fee and no $50 hotel cancellation fee. I’m so sad about it but for us it’s the right choice. I am hoping that we can attend 2021 but we will just have to wait and see.

Posted by del_grande lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
chris pratt wrote:It appears that if Gen Con is able to be held this year it will be under restrictions that will  have a negative impact on what we know Gen Con to be.  I expect it to be cancelled because of this rather than try to put a severely restricted convention.

Personally, I'd rather have a heavily restricted convention than no convention. Partly for personal "I need a vacation badly" reasons, but I also feel like if it could be pulled off safely, it would be a big piece of normalcy clawed back from this virus, even if it doesn't look and feel exactly like a normal Gen Con.

How heavily restricted is acceptable? I think the two main concerns will be:
1. The dealers area, and
2. The costume parade
I think I have already referenced #1 in this thread - you will almost certainly need to get rid of the "cross aisles" except at the far ends, and you may need to make the existing aisles both one-way (and have fun enforcing that) and 12 feet wide to allow people to go through while others are stopped at the booths. The question is, can this be done without telling vendors with existing contracts that there is now no room for them?

As for #2, you can remind people to stay six feet apart all you want, but to paraphrase von Moltke, "No plan survives contact with the convention center carpet," not to mention having to listen to who knows how many people saying, "A face mask isn't part of the costume." Six feet apart doesn't exist the minute somebody trips, the people behind them stop, and the chain reaction of people not stopping in time to keep six feet apart begins.

Posted by dballing del_grande

del_grande wrote:
father bloodlust wrote:
chris pratt wrote:It appears that if Gen Con is able to be held this year it will be under restrictions that will  have a negative impact on what we know Gen Con to be.  I expect it to be cancelled because of this rather than try to put a severely restricted convention.

Personally, I'd rather have a heavily restricted convention than no convention. Partly for personal "I need a vacation badly" reasons, but I also feel like if it could be pulled off safely, it would be a big piece of normalcy clawed back from this virus, even if it doesn't look and feel exactly like a normal Gen Con.

How heavily restricted is acceptable? I think the two main concerns will be:
1. The dealers area, and
2. The costume parade

I think you're forgetting the entire sea of RPG tables, all of whom will be up-close-and-personal for hours at a time, handling [intentionally or not] each other's stuff, handouts, dice, minis, etc., etc.

That's not something you can just hand-wave away. :-)

Posted by xanathon lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
chris pratt wrote:It appears that if Gen Con is able to be held this year it will be under restrictions that will  have a negative impact on what we know Gen Con to be.  I expect it to be cancelled because of this rather than try to put a severely restricted convention.

Personally, I'd rather have a heavily restricted convention than no convention. Partly for personal "I need a vacation badly" reasons, but I also feel like if it could be pulled off safely, it would be a big piece of normalcy clawed back from this virus, even if it doesn't look and feel exactly like a normal Gen Con.
I get that and each of us will have varying views depending on how this has affected us and what we each have going on in our lives.

For me I don't want to go to a Gen Con that is not what I am used to.  It would end up being a disappointment for me and an overall waste of money.

Posted by xanathon del_grande

del_grande wrote:
father bloodlust wrote:
chris pratt wrote:It appears that if Gen Con is able to be held this year it will be under restrictions that will  have a negative impact on what we know Gen Con to be.  I expect it to be cancelled because of this rather than try to put a severely restricted convention.

Personally, I'd rather have a heavily restricted convention than no convention. Partly for personal "I need a vacation badly" reasons, but I also feel like if it could be pulled off safely, it would be a big piece of normalcy clawed back from this virus, even if it doesn't look and feel exactly like a normal Gen Con.

How heavily restricted is acceptable? I think the two main concerns will be:
1. The dealers area, and
2. The costume parade
I think I have already referenced #1 in this thread - you will almost certainly need to get rid of the "cross aisles" except at the far ends, and you may need to make the existing aisles both one-way (and have fun enforcing that) and 12 feet wide to allow people to go through while others are stopped at the booths. The question is, can this be done without telling vendors with existing contracts that there is now no room for them?As for #2, you can remind people to stay six feet apart all you want, but to paraphrase von Moltke, "No plan survives contact with the convention center carpet," not to mention having to listen to who knows how many people saying, "A face mask isn't part of the costume." Six feet apart doesn't exist the minute somebody trips, the people behind them stop, and the chain reaction of people not stopping in time to keep six feet apart begins.
I don't know if the costume parade would be a primary concern.  I think gaming is more of a concern as that is what the majority of us attend Gen Con for.  

Posted by donaldbain

As mentioned several times before, EVERYTHING is a concern.  There is very little empty space at the con and every aspect of it would need to be changed to meet the six foot rule. 

Posted by technoir

Im guessing we still don't have a possible day for Event Reg/Catalog release?

Posted by lore seeker technoir

technoir wrote:
Im guessing we still don't have a possible day for Event Reg/Catalog release?

Not that they've announced. It *would* be perfect - the original sign-up date being the day we get the new sign-up date - but unfortunately real life isn't a movie script :(

Posted by sepayne7

My wife and I are looking forward to going this year.  She  just saw a True Dungeon volunteer at the supermarket ( he had a TD shirt, my wife was wearing a con shirt) and he was excited about going this year. Masks, gloves, and sanitizers make us feel comfortable enough. 

I worry there won’t be as many RPGs and games, but if it goes, it will be great. 


Posted by hahnarama sepayne7

sepayne7 wrote:
My wife and I are looking forward to going this year.  She  just saw a True Dungeon volunteer at the supermarket ( he had a TD shirt, my wife was wearing a con shirt) and he was excited about going this year. Masks, gloves, and sanitizers make us feel comfortable enough. 
I worry there won’t be as many RPGs and games, but if it goes, it will be great. 

Has TD re hired all of their staff? Last communication from them was that they were forced to layoff everyone

Posted by gib_rebeg hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
sepayne7 wrote:
My wife and I are looking forward to going this year.  She  just saw a True Dungeon volunteer at the supermarket ( he had a TD shirt, my wife was wearing a con shirt) and he was excited about going this year. Masks, gloves, and sanitizers make us feel comfortable enough. 
I worry there won’t be as many RPGs and games, but if it goes, it will be great. Has TD re hired all of their staff? Last communication from them was that they were forced to layoff everyone
Staff and volunteers are different.

I believe the staff are all still laid off. Only Jeff running it all right now. He ops out of Illinois which has very strict rules right now.

The volunteers as mentioned are those who show to the con, and actually run the rooms.

Posted by kitkumi gib_rebeg

gib_rebeg wrote:
hahnarama wrote:
sepayne7 wrote:
My wife and I are looking forward to going this year.  She  just saw a True Dungeon volunteer at the supermarket ( he had a TD shirt, my wife was wearing a con shirt) and he was excited about going this year. Masks, gloves, and sanitizers make us feel comfortable enough. 
I worry there won’t be as many RPGs and games, but if it goes, it will be great. Has TD re hired all of their staff? Last communication from them was that they were forced to layoff everyone
Staff and volunteers are different.I believe the staff are all still laid off. Only Jeff running it all right now. He ops out of Illinois which has very strict rules right now.
The volunteers as mentioned are those who show to the con, and actually run the rooms.
It is this aspect that concerns me for TD at least, which I think can also span out to the entire con. For many people masks and sanitizer will be enough. But that won't matter if events can't get the needed number of volunteers to run. TD alone needs a lot of volunteers to run, even if they are running at a reduced capacity. One of our friends has been a volunteer for TD before and the rooming situation alone made him decline volunteering this year before he ever decided what he was going to do in regards to con (four people to a hotel room if you stay in one of the TD volunteer rooms, and not necessarily with people you know, though you can make requests. His thing was 'I know where I've been and my level of safety. I don't know where my roommates would be from or their level of safety'.)

Posted by lore seeker kitkumi

kitkumi wrote:
gib_rebeg wrote:
hahnarama wrote:
sepayne7 wrote:
My wife and I are looking forward to going this year.  She  just saw a True Dungeon volunteer at the supermarket ( he had a TD shirt, my wife was wearing a con shirt) and he was excited about going this year. Masks, gloves, and sanitizers make us feel comfortable enough. 
I worry there won’t be as many RPGs and games, but if it goes, it will be great. Has TD re hired all of their staff? Last communication from them was that they were forced to layoff everyone
Staff and volunteers are different.I believe the staff are all still laid off. Only Jeff running it all right now. He ops out of Illinois which has very strict rules right now.
The volunteers as mentioned are those who show to the con, and actually run the rooms.
It is this aspect that concerns me for TD at least, which I think can also span out to the entire con. For many people masks and sanitizer will be enough. But that won't matter if events can't get the needed number of volunteers to run. TD alone needs a lot of volunteers to run, even if they are running at a reduced capacity. One of our friends has been a volunteer for TD before and the rooming situation alone made him decline volunteering this year before he ever decided what he was going to do in regards to con (four people to a hotel room if you stay in one of the TD volunteer rooms, and not necessarily with people you know, though you can make requests. His thing was 'I know where I've been and my level of safety. I don't know where my roommates would be from or their level of safety'.)

That makes me wonder: what percentage of events at Gen Con are run by organized companies like TD, Nascrag, etc.; and what percentage are run by individual GMs whose only employees/volunteers are themselves? Those numbers could provide interesting insight into how the problem quoted above might affect the number of events available at Gen Con.

Posted by gib_rebeg lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
kitkumi wrote:
gib_rebeg wrote:
hahnarama wrote:
sepayne7 wrote:
My wife and I are looking forward to going this year.  She  just saw a True Dungeon volunteer at the supermarket ( he had a TD shirt, my wife was wearing a con shirt) and he was excited about going this year. Masks, gloves, and sanitizers make us feel comfortable enough. 
I worry there won’t be as many RPGs and games, but if it goes, it will be great. Has TD re hired all of their staff? Last communication from them was that they were forced to layoff everyone
Staff and volunteers are different.I believe the staff are all still laid off. Only Jeff running it all right now. He ops out of Illinois which has very strict rules right now.
The volunteers as mentioned are those who show to the con, and actually run the rooms.
It is this aspect that concerns me for TD at least, which I think can also span out to the entire con. For many people masks and sanitizer will be enough. But that won't matter if events can't get the needed number of volunteers to run. TD alone needs a lot of volunteers to run, even if they are running at a reduced capacity. One of our friends has been a volunteer for TD before and the rooming situation alone made him decline volunteering this year before he ever decided what he was going to do in regards to con (four people to a hotel room if you stay in one of the TD volunteer rooms, and not necessarily with people you know, though you can make requests. His thing was 'I know where I've been and my level of safety. I don't know where my roommates would be from or their level of safety'.)

That makes me wonder: what percentage of events at Gen Con are run by organized companies like TD, Nascrag, etc.; and what percentage are run by individual GMs whose only employees/volunteers are themselves? Those numbers could provide interesting insight into how the problem quoted above might affect the number of events available at Gen Con.

I would think a fair number of the smaller companies do the volunteer route. Though the term volunteer is misleading and a number of the larger one's use regular paid staff.

Now I say it's misleading in that most people when they hear the term volunteer, think they are unpaid. They are not. By law, any for profit group, organization ect must pay their people. They can't use unpaid volunteer if they are for profit. And Gencon as well as TD must pay income tax.

Now someone will argue that there is no real cash exchange. But that doesn't really matter, it's based on the value exchange of goods, cash or services. For example TD gives $250 stipdend, a hotel room shared with other volunteers, convention badge, limited-edition Participation Tokens, limited-edition volunteer-only tokens as well as other swag. If you figure up the value of what they give, it should be around $500 total, which equates to about $12.00/hour. Might be more but not going into the math.

Now Gencon also uses "Event Team" which replaced their volunteer system 3- 4 years ago, basically the same thing.

Should Gencon or a group fail to get enough people to run the events, they should know in advance, there are still options, inside and out. Put out the word to the fans begging for help, offer better incentives, or ect. Or outside options is hire temp workers from places like the following.

Temp Staffing of Indiana, Express Employment Professionals, Indiana Staffing Services.

These places are not idea, yes,. But in a fix, you could hire some temp workers and give them some real basic training that will allow them to work, and get the events staffed.

Posted by wildcat78 gib_rebeg

Or outside options is hire temp workers from places like the following.
Temp Staffing of Indiana, Express Employment Professionals, Indiana Staffing Services.
These places are not idea, yes,. But in a fix, you could hire some temp workers and give them some real basic training that will allow them to work, and get the events staffed.

All very good points but also consider companies need to have budgeted $$ for temp workers, hours for training, and are comfortable with the gap in skills & experience from their usual team.   At 70-ish days out And shrinking that’s a pretty Monumental ask...


Posted by grognard262

There is a positive trend emerging in the data.  The positivity rate (the red line) is falling steadily.  Essentially it means that we are doing more and more testing, and fewer and fewer of those tests are coming back positive.  Also, if you look at Europe, which is a few weeks ahead of us, the numbers have come way down as well.  A glimmer of hope!

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