Event Organizers & GMs
For Event Organizers and GMs to discuss hosting events at Gen Con
14 15 16 18 20
14 15 16 18 20
Task / Topic Latest Posts
Notification for EO/GM Housing Block?
Started by toxic_rat
Last post by toxic_rat 3
GMs and proof of Vaccine?
Started by fowgencon94
Last post by regularlyweighted 5
Reaching a live body in "events" ...
Started by [email protected]
Last post by [email protected] 1
How to Make Badge Request Changes
Started by experimentalgamer
Last post by derekguder 2
Messages to players who are signed up for an event?
Started by fowgencon94
Last post by derekguder 5
GMs Needed
Started by laggy
Last post by laggy 1
What version of iOS is needed for e-tickets?
Started by snowhat
Last post by derekguder 2
Duration typo - Professor Dungeon Master Live!
Started by austicke
Last post by queenswu666 3
New GMs late in the game.
Started by jocko
Last post by justicehwrk 18
Trade Day packets at HQ
Started by qwaserity
Last post by derekguder 2
Show events I'm GMing on the GM dashboard, even if someone else submitted them
Started by sysop073
Last post by sysop073 3
Gencon App E-Ticket Events not active for GM (page is "rolling")
Started by blinget
Last post by rong 4
envelope format for event ticket collection
Started by baldaccountant
Last post by derekguder 2
Messages to event attendees
Started by agent_duchovny
Last post by llucklinn 14
E-Ticket Experience from 2022
Started by rong
Last post by toxic_rat 3
EO - Are Online and In Person Event payments combined or separate
Started by msteinbo
Last post by baileydaugherty 3
Event host policy update?
Started by noone
Last post by adamjohnson02 5
Electronic Certification for 2023
Started by experimentalgamer
Last post by jeffreestar 8
FEPH or contracted space?
Started by danjackiechan
Last post by austicke 3
Non-gaming event (SPA) questions from a new EO
Started by julianatfrolic
Last post by helenbb 5
Adding GM's to a Group
Started by haven
Last post by derekguder 2
Editing event descriptions?
Started by capt4in
Last post by mu skulls frank 2
GM Badge Allocations
Started by gamerlaura
Last post by blareblare2 4
Change EO for a group
Started by ritamotto
Last post by roderick 2
GM Hotels
Started by boardcrunch
Last post by maosnaroaan 9
14 15 16 18 20