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The housing system is unfair because there STILL aren't enough downtown rooms available. They need to fix it by sticking disaster relief tents in White River State Park because there would be nothing that could possibly be awkward about that or go wrong with that.
Looking at the numbers as they are today isn't all that useful. Given the delay between exposure and test results, what we're seeing today is the result of things at the peak of the Indiana lockdown. Over the next couple of weeks we'll start seeing the impact that reopening has had. And even then our trend is increasing, not decreasing (Indiana's results trickle in slowly. We don't see the day's actual numbers until a day or two later.)
When we last meet the census was we didn't expect know anything solid about Gencon until just before July 4th Holiday weekend or until just after said Holiday weekend. So we settled in to wait it out.
So, some of you did not listen and your privileges here are suspended. This is a long thread and it has been made clear on numerous occasions what will and will not be tolerated. Feel free to email [email protected] to discuss the terms of reinstatement.
Thanks Mike....so tired of all the doom and gloom chatter. Everyone be patient to see what Gencon decides or plans to implement changes that allows the con to take place. They are most likely spending a lot of time and energy to what needs to be done to have a safe convention if possible.
Not saying they are not by any means —- but it would be nice to get an update every couple weeks or so. Particularly worried about the unnerving quiet on the Events more than anything...
All I’m saying is we would not be on these forums if we weren’t looking for any glimmer of hope.
Yep, maybe a weekly update would be nice, but it may mean procedures have not been decided on yet I would think.
Given the amount of planning and financial investment that comes with a trip to GenCon, and given that much of it requires spending in advance that may or may not be refundable, it's understandable that people are a little anxious and desperate for information.
Everyone involved needs to both give and receive respect and understanding.
100% echoing what has been said above. I appreciate the position that the Gencon staff has likely found themselves in with everything going on, and I don't envy it. At the same time having absolutely no information aside from 'wait' is difficult for a number of reasons. We have ten in our group, and four of them plan on canceling their badge and hotel come Friday because the lack of any kind of information has left a bad taste in their mouth. They feel like at this point even if con goes on there is no way it can be 100% 'business as usual', but they have nothing but wild speculation about anything. We have three more that have already said they will be canceling next week if there is still no new information so they can free up and adjust finances they had set aside for the trip. For the majority of our group, we feel that just a little bit of transparency would be a welcomed thing, though I understand why that probably can't be a thing. It's still frustrating.
Edit: I also want to add that people are just trying to rationalize if GenCon will occur or not. I don't think they are viewing it as fear mongering so much as speculation.
For those wondering, below is a link to the ICC and Lucas Oil Stadium Covid response documents. Including a set of "Social Distancing Floor Plans." Indianapolis itself is 2 or more weeks behind the state at large with the reopening, So I don't know if these guidelines will still be in use at the end of July, but I think it is a good bet.
Those current guidelines are in accordance with phase 2, and the ICC will start hosting seminars and the like come next week when Indy is in phase 2.
I just bought my badge, and I'm glad to have done it. I proudly stand by Gencon in this time of existential crisis. If Gencon 2020 is cancelled I don't want a refund.
Let's be clear with what Gencon staff are dealing with: many businesses in the Dealer Hall exist because of what they sell at Gencon. To cancel Gencon 2020 is to consign many loyal gaming companies to nonexistence. The Dealer Hall has grown larger almost every year, and sold out faster almost every year, for the past decade. If 2020 is prematurely cancelled there is the real possibility of it not recovering for the next decade.
And how do we know that Gencon herself has the financial wherewithal to survive a year of no convention? While I'm worried about hotel room costs, flight costs, and confusion, I want Gencon 2021 to happen. I'm glad to lose money this year to support the only convention I go to anymore for the years to come.
Does anyone other than me remember Galathricon? It was a huge gaming convention in Indiana that hosted the biggest names that we all know...and it no longer exists. A little Googling will turn up other conventions that were as solid as stone, yet no longer happen. New conventions aren't opening (Garycon is a unique exception that's unlikely to be repeated unless Gary himself miraculously resurrects) so if you love what Gencon does for us, give her space and time to make the hardest decision she has ever made.