If a badge is marked as delivered (We track them and you can to on your "My packets" page) then we will not replace it.
Now if the number spike like crazy then we should pivot on that decision. As it stand now though the numbers from a percentage have been going down and down.
I would tell anyone who is over the age of 60 and or is in bad health to use their best judgement, but then again I would say that every year. So again the numbers are very important. Can someone come from China and infect a bunch more people? Yes, but that could always happen and it could be a new flu that does it, but not COVID. The question a person in good health under the age of 60 has to ask is this. Is this a real risk or not? Again the numbers are the numbers. People under 60 in good health are doing fine. Things are getting a LOT better and things are opening back up. That coupled with the new news that once you have COVID you can't get it again bodes very well. I could point to another stat, but I can't verify it. It says something like only 10% of those that had covid got tested. If that is the case then we are now looking better than ever.
Posit for a moment:Indiana has *0* covid cases. None. It completely vanishes between now and July. But only in Indiana. In the rest of the country, some parts remain steady, some parts have started their predicted second wind. Folks from those states are under lockdown orders. They're not allowed to travel. Do you think they'll want to go visit Indiana, even if they were somehow able to? Now you might argue "well, Indiana is safe!" except that the convention wouldn't just be people from Indiana, it'd be people from all over the country, all over the world, all [potentially] bringing covid with them to Indiana.
If those non-Indiana folks decide to stay home, can Gen Con break even on just Indiana natives showing up? Can the vendors who cart their wares there? (Never mind that in this hypothetical, large chunks of the vendors can't show up either, further diminishing Gen Con's revenue source).
Now, obviously, this is a hyperbolic example, but it illustrates the reality that the Indiana numbers really, honestly, are only a very very small part of the equation. You have to look at the WHOLE situation and not just fixate on Indiana.
As a note on that "you can't get Covid-19 twice" thing: we don't know that for sure yet. There haven't been formal studies done on it apparently, and even if it does provide immunity, it's unknown 1) How much immunity it provides and 2) How long that immunity lasts.
I went Google searching for news stories about this, and I haven't been able to find any articles from less than a week ago providing any kind of update on this news.
I have a question and a few comments. I have been watching this thread closely and I am wondering if the gravity of the situation is being clearly addressed. My first comment would have to be about safety. Beyond hand soaps and face masks what type of safety can Gen Con realistically guarantee? There is no vaccine as of yet. Besides that fact what happens if we are all in the dealer hall all socially distanced and someone yells that they have the virus? That could and would create a panic and possibly cause a stampede. All if not almost all conventions have already cancelled and postponed. What is Gen Cons delay? It does not seem logical or practical or even reasonable at this point to have a convention. In light of this pandemic crisis it just seems almost cruel to the fans of Gen Con leaving everybody in limbo. Here is a link that discusses this very subject if you care to read more. https://www.tor.com/2020/03/15/coronavirus-the-sci-fi-fantasy-conventions-canceled-so-far/#comment-866436
For Gen Con to break even, it needs to care about attendees from other states and countries, and how their local numbers are affecting their local rules which are impacting their ability to travel. Or if their numbers just impacting their willingness to travel.
This is not just for any sort of health and safety reasons (although there are literally like rafts of those). If those attendees don't show up, if those vendors don't show up, if those event organizers don't show up, then you have a convention which is financially non-viable, and that becomes the last Gen Con because they go belly up with red-ink.
None of us are privy to Gen Con's finances, but I'll wager a crisp buck that they don't have a warchest that can eat that kind of loss.
Steel City Comicon was rescheduled to the same dates as Planet Comicon. They postponed from April to June and now to August.
It appears Wizardworld still has St. Louis (June), Philadelphia (June), and Chicago (August) on the Schedule. Their website does not have any cancellation news I can find on these three.
Fan Expo Dallas is still selling tickets for late June.
Gencon is not acting any differently. They are having to wait and see how things play out just like the rest of the Conventions are.
Now Indiana Comic Con has cancelled for the year but they were slated in June which was too early for the Governor's guideline for reopening for an event of that size. This is important cause the Governor would not allow it per his guidelines. They also use the ICC. However the Governor's Guidelines still allow for Gencon in August. And the Mayor of Indianapolis hasn't changed that by being more restrictive yet.
So we are all still waiting. There is still 2 and half months until the slated dates for Gencon.
I don't understand why so many people are focused on the Will Call line.
If 6ft social distancing guidelines are still a thing, Gen Con has far bigger problems than solving the badge pickup situation.
Gencon is located in Indy, the numbers could be great in Japan, Great Britain, Argentina, Australia, etc. But if the numbers are bad for Indiana then Indiana doesn't reopen and Gencon is off regardless of the rest of the world.
You completely ignored that condition when reading what I wrote.
I think people overlook the fact, that if Indiana continues to hit their five-stage plan, that come July 4th, the 6 foot distancing rule is no longer enforced. It becomes optional, along with face covering.
Stage 5Possible start dates: July 4What's new:
_____________________________________ Alec Usticke, Fans of Gen Con Facebook Group