On a side and possibly related note. FYI For anyone and everyone that has a reservation at the Hampton Inn Downtown Indy for Gen Con. I literally just hung up the phone with the oh so nice, kind and considerate folks at that fine hotel and I was assured that all reservations that get canceled because of Gen Con getting canceled (If it does) will be canceled at $0 charge to each guest. Thank you and have a glorious day! I will repost this on other threads if I find any that may benefit from this information.
Local Indianapolis guy here I know this post reply get deleted but it's been all over the local news Indiana Black expo summer celebration which is two weeks before Gen Con at the convention center all around downtown Indy just cancelled for 2020
I think this quote says it all
>>>includes our responsibility to protect the health and safety of those who attend our traditional community engagement programs and events," the organization wrote in a statement
It's pretty simple, until Force Majeure clauses can be felt to be executed by GenCon they will delay doing a decision until they have to. Which means the focus is on the city of Indianapolis and ICC to decide that hosting GenCon is a bad public safety idea.
Meanwhile, another poster says: "It's pretty simple, until Force Majeure clauses can be felt to be executed by GenCon they will delay doing a decision until they have to." I'd counter with this: It's pretty simple, until Gen Con cancels, it isn't cancelled.
Until it gets announced, it's happening. If you think it's unsafe to go, no one is putting a gun to your head and making you go; we are actually saying don't go if you don't feel safe going (and that's not just for a virus, but for any reason) and we understand.
But the point here is simple: Gen Con is still planned to go as if right now. Furthermore, people who are trying to tell the company to cancel should be offering up to pay that cancellation fee for Gen Con LLC to show they are willing to put their money where their mouth is and take Force Majeure as a reason to keep going off the table.
question would some cosplayers costumed protect from spreading?
Ok gonna post even though the odds are pretty high that this will get deleted :)
Someone keeps saying that no one's forcing you to attend gencon. And they are absolutely right. As much as it kills me not to go I have decided I'm not going to Gen Con this year. I've attended 27 or 28 straight, I've lost count in my advanced old age :) I LOVE attending. my wife always describes it as my own personal vacation and I always come back with a smile on my face and in a better mood than when I left. But for the same of my family I'm not going.
0riginally they thought COVID had an R Naught of 2-3. It's actually 5.7. For comparison Ebola has a rating of 2, the measles has a rating of 18. What that means is one Infected person will infect 5.7 other people, each of those will infect 5.7....
For none of the 60,000 attendees to be exposed to this disease and get sick it would require 82% of the attendees to have immunity. That's 49,000 people. I don't think we're anywhere close that perentage yet in the general population.
So if my 4 beer math is correct :) let's say it makes it just thru 7 levels of spread from Attendee Zero. That's almost 35,000 people infected. The death rate here in Indiana is currently 5.5%
I'm not passing any kind of judgement, but if this were my Con there is no I would let 1886 people potentially die if I was told it was possible based on current models.
Gen Con 2020: The Year of the Ninja?
Mike Boozer Customer Service & Event Team Manager Gen Con LLC
Illinois is announcing a modification/extension of the stay-at-home order; there will be a slight expansion of businesses allowed to operate (entirely in a curbside/delivery manner), but gatherings will still be verboten and masks will go from a recommendation to a requirement in places where distancing can't be maintained.
GenCon is starting to feel like a long shot, but procedures like this happening now are what keep it from feeling like a lost cause. Seems like people are recognizing that we lost the battle for spring back in February, and now it's time to start fighting for a summer by keeping a rebound spike from happening in May.
As far as the logistics of making something like the dealer hall happen, a page could be taken out of the playbook of the grocery stores in this area and making the aisles one-way. Instead of trying to manage traffic in both directions, each aisle could have an "express lane" in the center for people just travelling through, and a smaller aisle off to each side for people who want to linger at a booth to see what's going on. It would not be perfect (I can't picture how to maintain a 6 foot circle inside a booth with an attendant), but if combined with required masks could reduce transmission levels.
If I'm understanding the CDC guidelines properly, some cosplay would reduce (but not eliminate) spread. Anything that integrates a suitably thick cloth mask could reduce the spread of aspirated droplets if properly worn; a lot of what's being sold as COVID masks could pass as part of a ninja outfit pretty easily. All the Fallout cosplayers doing Brotherhood of Steel or Desert Ranger armor would at least have something covering their mouth, nose and eyes to reduce their chance of inadvertently touching them. There could be a spike in costumes that integrate full face masks/shields, and I wouldn't be shocked if there was a spike in biohazard/zombie-themed costumes, both for the gear and because that's just the sort of year we're having.
The attendees who want to be really cautious will maybe bring a box of disposable gloves and toss the pair they're wearing every so often, or every time they touch a game.
As far as rescheduling, these dates are currently open:
Aug 20-23 - show on the 24th may make large breakdown not workable Sept 10-13 Sept 23-27 - bookend events may cause issues Oct 8-11 - Origins - how close together can the shows be? Oct 22-25 Oct 28 - Nov 1 Nov 12-15 Nov 19-22
After that is the Holidays and more chances for bad weather.
Sauce: https://www.icclos.com/upcoming-events/
I also think the one way aisles for the dealer's hall are a good idea. Maybe limit occupancy as well (though that might cause some long lines outside the hall).
I think the con's going to look very different from normal if it goes down this year, but as long as it happens and happens safely, I for one will be happy.
I read the initial Gencon statement on Page 1 and the one on Page 14 of this thread but I'm confused. Out of curiosity, why exactly was this post something that will not be tolerated?
It did not seem offensive or antagonistic. It was mostly math and speculation.
Just so I (or other people) don't inadvertently post something not allowed.
As much as I'd like to attend this year, due to the virus, I will be seeking a refund for my badge or for a credit towards GenCon 2021. This would have been my second year, and first year at the trade event. I work at a library and was hoping to bring some of this information back for our patrons. Unfortunately, between the health concerns, being furloughed currently due to my work being closed due to our state's stay at home order, AND having to nearly exhaust my vacation time I was planning on spending to go to GenCon 2020 just to keep my regular paycheck coming in, I have to make this choice.
I hope next year this crisis will have run it's course and when we can return to some semblance of "normal", that GenCon will be just as fun as it was when I went for the first time in 2018. If not better. :-)