GenCon exists to give us gamers, and attendees, and event organizers a unique opportunity to mingle and have fun. If that element is sanitized and removed, whatever arises (or vanishes?) will no longer be GenCon, IMHO.
Peace and blessings
It is one of the functions of government to protect its citizens, again, not on topic here so if you wish to discuss that further, please make a new topic.
Yes it is up to us all to make the decision on how we will protect ourselves from this pandemic. It is also how our choices will impact others. Even with the most trained and in many cases the best protected individuals are still getting sick and dying. So while I still have to venture out (both as an essential worker and to gather basic necessities) I take the precautions not only for myself but those around me.
As for your second complaint that some "peeps" are in a panic for nothing, causing you 2 weeks in quarantine for what was probably a simple stomach bug. I feel fo you, but given that this particular virus is hitting the human body with a number of different symptoms that may not all be present its better to err on the side of caution. Perhaps most important is to remember that you can be symptom free and still be spreading the virus.
Safe travels.
Guys (and girls),
They are going to shut this thread down if we don’t stop with the guesses and Nostradamus predictions about 3 months from now. Seriously, and throw out %s of things that you aren’t even qualified to state, much less proven. How do you know it’s 25% asymptomatic. What if it is 50% or 10%?
We have 1 week until the events get released, unless the release is delayed as well. That will tell us a lot about everything from timing to how many or how close everything will be setup to even if anyone wants to run any games.
Be patient for one week and we will know a lot more than we do now.
I need to know whether I’m legally, monetarily responsible for our groups’ events if Gen Con happens and I can’t get judges that are willing to take the risk of attending a convention with thousands of people from all over the country.
It was that I worried GenCon won't happen. I do want it so badly - after this year so far I need it. Now I am starting to worry that even if it does happen, how many events will be scheduled? Are events getting put in? Is the volume of events down significantly? How many vendors are backing out? What sort of social distancing "hacks" will be going on? (I saw the photo of the guy with a "hat" that had pool noodles attached to cover a 6' zone around him. Entertaining to see on Facebook - annoying to navigate around in say the vendor hall. Worse maybe than the giant backpacks...)
I can't in good conscience choose to go to Gen Con this year. I know a lot of things can happen in a few months, but there's just too much uncertainty, and based on how this pandemic has so far followed the pattern of the Spanish flu over 100 years ago, I just think large gatherings of any sort will contribute to bigger disease waves in the future. My health and my family's health are far more important.
Mind you, I'm just an attendee. I don't run games, I'm not a vendor, and I'm not a Gen Con employee, so financially, I know I have much less riding on Gen Con's operations.
Hope everyone stays healthy and safe, regardless of whether Gen Con goes on this year or not.
If we have social distancing at the con, I’m guessing the end of the Wednesday badge pickup line will be somewhere around Chicago / Lake Michigan.....
Honestly, this thread should be locked at this point. It has become non-stop posts demanding gencon be cancelled. The staff will have an announcement sooner than later. Until then, some of you need to find something relaxing, like yoga.
Keeping it open at least focuses all the nonsense in one easily ignore-able thread. :-)
He says no, but sometimes, I think he is just saying that because the fern always wants to do something stupid.
For example, Origins announced in mid March that they're making a go/no-go decision by May 1st - which made everyone calm down a bit - and then ended up announcing the October postponement in early April anyway. (So much for that "force majeure" clause that everyone assumes is waiting to torpedo any Con that makes the call on their own - do you really think the GCCC is going to soak them for the cancellation and then make them pay again to use the facilities in October? Surely they worked out an agreeable accommodation.)
Simply saying "we're waiting to see what the state says"... well, the state might be on a completely different timetable than the kind of lead time a con needs. They might announce on July 15th that all major events can resume by July 30th. That's not very helpful to us, the Con, or the local businesses, is it?
That's all I've been saying, at least.
My theory is that all of the people who are demanding that Gen Con make a decision to cancel are ones who did not get a downtown hotel... because I certainly don't see any of those coming available!
What's it like having 65,000 children in your proverbial back seat all going "Is it GenCon yet? Is it GenCon yet?"
As the one who keeps my friends informed about our local comic con and gaming con (BOTH postponed multiple times) I feel your pain.
Also, is it GenCon yet?
Thanks for indulging us. Not sure if the blowing off of steam here is ultimately productive or if we're just feeding the beast.
Is there a link or a contact if I want to cancel attendance for reasons tied to the epidemic?