Official Gen Con specific only Coronavirus thread
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29 30 31 33 35 36 37
Posted by iamclassic lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
pandamoni wrote:
I know many people who have objected to wearing masks (even in stores that have required it), and that seems like it will be a baseline precaution.  Given the diversity in the gaming community, I imagine the guidelines that are to be adopted would be a significant source of potential disagreement for many convention attendees.

Which is why I think Gen Con would need to take a hard line, "no negotiation" stance on it.Going into a store to buy food and essential supplies is one thing, where leeway on that might be allowed (even though it really SHOULDN'T be, unless the person has a legitimate medical reason for not being able to wear a mask). But a convention you don't strictly need to attend? Nope - you wanna come, you follow the rules that are meant to keep everyone safe.

While I understand everyone keeping safe, I am curious about eating and drinking in the game rooms. It is not uncommon for 4-8 hour game sessions for gamers to have snacks and they definitely need drinks. Would  there have to be an area of the room or hall dedicated to those who want to briefly go mask-free to take a drink of water? Is somehow putting your drink underneath your mask and drinking it that way safe?

I guess that's my wonder with how you make everyone wear a mask all of the time, people have to hydrate and unless straws are also required, I'm still not sure how you do that. 

Posted by lore seeker iamclassic

iamclassic wrote:
father bloodlust wrote:
pandamoni wrote:
I know many people who have objected to wearing masks (even in stores that have required it), and that seems like it will be a baseline precaution.  Given the diversity in the gaming community, I imagine the guidelines that are to be adopted would be a significant source of potential disagreement for many convention attendees.

Which is why I think Gen Con would need to take a hard line, "no negotiation" stance on it.Going into a store to buy food and essential supplies is one thing, where leeway on that might be allowed (even though it really SHOULDN'T be, unless the person has a legitimate medical reason for not being able to wear a mask). But a convention you don't strictly need to attend? Nope - you wanna come, you follow the rules that are meant to keep everyone safe.

While I understand everyone keeping safe, I am curious about eating and drinking in the game rooms. It is not uncommon for 4-8 hour game sessions for gamers to have snacks and they definitely need drinks. Would  there have to be an area of the room or hall dedicated to those who want to briefly go mask-free to take a drink of water? Is somehow putting your drink underneath your mask and drinking it that way safe?I guess that's my wonder with how you make everyone wear a mask all of the time, people have to hydrate and unless straws are also required, I'm still not sure how you do that. 

I'm sure a quick sip would be alright, but snacking...who knows, maybe they'll put a moratorium on that? Like I said, Gen Con's probably going to look and feel different from what we're used to this year.

Posted by chaosxshi

Masks are basically useless for healthy people, at best they give a slight reduction in chances. The particulates are small enough to go between the fibers of most cloth masks. Masks also leave eyes open to exposure. Any virus in a game room will likely cover everything in that room before too long, and for many surfaces it will stay there for the entire con, for even the most optimistic surfaces, at least for the entire game session. Most sanitizers don't kill it, or are unknown if they kill it. This would make snacking or drinking from most containers a risk, as the container itself is open to being covered.
The 6ft guideline is for people who cover their sneezes, if not covered sneezes travel 15-20 ft in a frontal cone, possibly farther for the very smallest particles. 
We are already seeing numbers climb again as people are fighting and ignoring isolation requests. Many protesters to open states up are getting sick, but the gravity of this situation still hasn't sunk into their heads.

I do hope everything is sorted by the con, but if people keep fighting against the protection measures, the threat will still be extremely real come the con.

Posted by lore seeker chaosxshi

chaosxshi wrote:
Masks are basically useless for healthy people, at best they give a slight reduction in chances. The particulates are small enough to go between the fibers of most cloth masks. Masks also leave eyes open to exposure. Any virus in a game room will likely cover everything in that room before too long, and for many surfaces it will stay there for the entire con, for even the most optimistic surfaces, at least for the entire game session. Most sanitizers don't kill it, or are unknown if they kill it. This would make snacking or drinking from most containers a risk, as the container itself is open to being covered.
The 6ft guideline is for people who cover their sneezes, if not covered sneezes travel 15-20 ft in a frontal cone, possibly farther for the very smallest particles. 
We are already seeing numbers climb again as people are fighting and ignoring isolation requests. Many protesters to open states up are getting sick, but the gravity of this situation still hasn't sunk into their heads.
I do hope everything is sorted by the con, but if people keep fighting against the protection measures, the threat will still be extremely real come the con.

Pretty sure the stuff about masks and sanitizers being ineffective isn't true.

From Fact Check, on hand sanitizer:

“'Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing,' the CDC says. 'If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.'

"Likewise, the World Health Organization says that '[w]ashing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.'

"Many experts have agreed that hand sanitizers work, too — because the alcohol, often ethanol or isopropyl alcohol, disrupts the outer membrane layer, or envelope, of viral particles."

And from The Guardian, in a "myth busters" article on Covid, regarding masks:

"Wearing a face mask is certainly not an iron-clad guarantee that you won’t get sick – viruses can also transmit through the eyes and tiny viral particles, known as aerosols, can penetrate masks. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets, which is a main transmission route of coronavirus, and some studies have estimated a roughly fivefold protection versus no barrier alone (although others have found lower levels of effectiveness).

"If you are likely to be in close contact with someone infected, a mask cuts the chance of the disease being passed on. If you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, or have been diagnosed, wearing a mask can also protect others. So masks are crucial for health and social care workers looking after patients and are also recommended for family members who need to care for someone who is ill – ideally both the patient and carer should have a mask."

Posted by raidkillsbugsded

Does this mean I might not be able to bring a stroller through the dealer hall?


Posted by wildcat78 raidkillsbugsded

raidkillsbugsded wrote:

Does this mean I might not be able to bring a stroller through the dealer hall?

Roughly 880 people socially distancing in a line stretches for 1 mile. 

capacity of the great hall is in the thousands

i wonder what it will be like to be waiting in West Lafayette to get into the CMON booth.

Posted by arcus wildcat78

wildcat78 wrote:
raidkillsbugsded wrote:

Does this mean I might not be able to bring a stroller through the dealer hall?

Roughly 880 people socially distancing in a line stretches for 1 mile. capacity of the great hall is in the thousands
i wonder what it will be like to be waiting in West Lafayette to get into the CMON booth.
It was the vision of this at Will Call that made me have my badge/tickets shipped to me this year.

Posted by tinabear81 wildcat78

wildcat78 wrote:
raidkillsbugsded wrote:

Does this mean I might not be able to bring a stroller through the dealer hall?

Roughly 880 people socially distancing in a line stretches for 1 mile. capacity of the great hall is in the thousands
i wonder what it will be like to be waiting in West Lafayette to get into the CMON booth.
Well, Assuming it is still there, make a deal with a person near you in line or with a buddy, and stop in at the Silver Dipper while you're in West Lafayette; a little fancy icecream for a hot day standing in line wouldn't hurt.

Posted by rodoubleb

This will be a great year to carry around two of the large bags with extended handles and rollers, and continuously spin in a circle with them to enforce a six foot radius.   

Posted by dballing rodoubleb

rodoubleb wrote:
This will be a great year to carry around two of the large bags with extended handles and rollers, and continuously spin in a circle with them to enforce a six foot radius.   

Cosplay as a hydrogen atom with your proton in a 2m radius orbit. :)

Posted by hahnarama

Well Mayor of Indy just banned Church gatherings, rest of the State can have them pet Gov, until further notice. He says groups that large are too much of a risk for the spread. 

Posted by lore seeker hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
Well Mayor of Indy just banned Church gatherings, rest of the State can have them pet Gov, until further notice. He says groups that large are too much of a risk for the spread. 

Banned them until May 15, per this story, though another quote makes it sound like Indianapolis may be opening later than the rest of the state:

"Mayor Joe Hogsett clarified that the county’s stay-at-home order ends May 15, while Gov. Holcomb’s “Back on Track” plan has already ended the state-wide travel ban for most of the state.


"Hogsett made it clear that there would be no exceptions for churches. He said that since Marion County is the most populous in the state, that it is crucial to not allow any large gatherings to avoid a resurgence of coronavirus infections.

"'Population density is an important factor in this fight,' he said. He invoked Jesus’ command to love your neighbor as yourself, in continuing to stay home through May 15. ... 'This means no large gatherings this weekend,' said Marion County Health Officer Dr. Virginia Caine. She promised a blueprint for Marion County’s reopening by next week. She said it is unclear when the county will move into phase 3 of the Back on Track plan.

“'Marion County’s phased reopening plan will look very similar to the ‘Back on Track Indiana’ plan,' she said, with the exception that that plan has fixed dates. May 24 is when the third phase will begin for the state, and that is still uncertain in Indianapolis."

Posted by lore seeker arcus

arcus wrote:
wildcat78 wrote:
raidkillsbugsded wrote:

Does this mean I might not be able to bring a stroller through the dealer hall?

Roughly 880 people socially distancing in a line stretches for 1 mile. capacity of the great hall is in the thousands
i wonder what it will be like to be waiting in West Lafayette to get into the CMON booth.
It was the vision of this at Will Call that made me have my badge/tickets shipped to me this year.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Will Call was dropped this year and the badges/tickets just mailed to everyone.

Posted by kitkumi

Hi there, long time lurker first time poster lol. Like so many others I came to the thread back when it was a young thing and I've been following it since just kinda hoping for answers or insight. Now, I'm jumping in with a question that I doubt anyone can answer but hell, I'll toss it out there anyway.

If Marion county is indeed behind Indiana's plan as a whole, how quickly can a con Gencon's size legitimately pivot? Can they wait to get the official go ahead from the county or if things continue on as the county has outlined, would that official yay or nay come too late?

Edit: To the will-call thing, honestly I agree and could see them just mailing out to all that they could just to try and cut that line down to people who absolutely can not do mail. I've stood in that line once. And once was more than enough. Been there, done that, actually got the t-shirt lol.

Posted by arcus kitkumi

kitkumi wrote:Edit: To the will-call thing, honestly I agree and could see them just mailing out to all that they could just to try and cut that line down to people who absolutely can not do mail. I've stood in that line once. And once was more than enough. Been there, done that, actually got the t-shirt lol.

I do not typically have my stuff mailed so I’ve stood in will call each year over the last decade and I can honestly say it has improved greatly and become way more efficient. Unfortunately, I think the required social distance that should still be going on at that time will eliminate the efficiency for this year. 

Posted by lehane kitkumi

kitkumi wrote:
Hi there, long time lurker first time poster lol. Like so many others I came to the thread back when it was a young thing and I've been following it since just kinda hoping for answers or insight. Now, I'm jumping in with a question that I doubt anyone can answer but hell, I'll toss it out there anyway.
If Marion county is indeed behind Indiana's plan as a whole, how quickly can a con Gencon's size legitimately pivot? Can they wait to get the official go ahead from the county or if things continue on as the county has outlined, would that official yay or nay come too late?
Edit: To the will-call thing, honestly I agree and could see them just mailing out to all that they could just to try and cut that line down to people who absolutely can not do mail. I've stood in that line once. And once was more than enough. Been there, done that, actually got the t-shirt lol.
Out of curiosity what day was it when you went through the line? My group traditionally does it on Wednesday afternoon and while the line is long it does move fairly quickly. 

Also I am not sure they can totally get rid of Will Call cause there has been a cut off point for mailing event tickets. After that point you had to get those tickets from Will Call. 

Posted by kitkumi lehane

lehane wrote:
kitkumi wrote:
Hi there, long time lurker first time poster lol. Like so many others I came to the thread back when it was a young thing and I've been following it since just kinda hoping for answers or insight. Now, I'm jumping in with a question that I doubt anyone can answer but hell, I'll toss it out there anyway.
If Marion county is indeed behind Indiana's plan as a whole, how quickly can a con Gencon's size legitimately pivot? Can they wait to get the official go ahead from the county or if things continue on as the county has outlined, would that official yay or nay come too late?
Edit: To the will-call thing, honestly I agree and could see them just mailing out to all that they could just to try and cut that line down to people who absolutely can not do mail. I've stood in that line once. And once was more than enough. Been there, done that, actually got the t-shirt lol.
Out of curiosity what day was it when you went through the line? My group traditionally does it on Wednesday afternoon and while the line is long it does move fairly quickly. Also I am not sure they can totally get rid of Will Call cause there has been a cut off point for mailing event tickets. After that point you had to get those tickets from Will Call. 

It was one of our first years going and we jumped in line Thursday around 11am or noon. We were young and had noooo idea lol. We've gone to gencon about thirteen/fourteen times since and gone with the shipping option every year.

Maybe for those who still need to pick up at will call or purchase event tickets after the deadline to ship they could schedule a time slot or something? It would probably help lower some of the crowd. No sense in jumping in a line at noon if you have a time slot for 2pm. Though I'm sure something like that would come with its own headaches if you had an event at noon but couldn't even try to get your tickets until 2pm.

Posted by al_kesselring lore seeker

father bloodlust wrote:
arcus wrote:
wildcat78 wrote:
raidkillsbugsded wrote:

Does this mean I might not be able to bring a stroller through the dealer hall?

Roughly 880 people socially distancing in a line stretches for 1 mile. capacity of the great hall is in the thousands
i wonder what it will be like to be waiting in West Lafayette to get into the CMON booth.
It was the vision of this at Will Call that made me have my badge/tickets shipped to me this year.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Will Call was dropped this year and the badges/tickets just mailed to everyone.

    First, I want it known that I agree that if Gencon goes off, sending every attendees badge and event tickets would lessen the social contact of people waiting in line.  This could potentially lessen close interaction that could lead to unwanted unintended virus spread - and I agree that badges / event tickets should be sent through the mail if at all possible to lower the spread - even if it only lowers it by a fraction.
    Where I have a problem with that is I paid for the option of getting my tickets through the mail.  If everyone who selected will call was sent their badges / event tickets, I would end up paying for something that some of the other attendees who had chosen "will call", obtained for free.
    How would you propose to even that cost out?
    In some previous discussion, it was pointed out that some attendees have various reasons why they need to pick up their badges / event tickets at "will call."  Considering that time is getting narrower, it would be difficult to contact and finalize plans whether or not the current will call attendees can accept and pick up their badges / event tickets via the mail.  I'm not saying it can't be done in time - I'm saying that if that was a direction Gencon wanted to proceed, then due to time constraints, I would imagine that they'd have to start contacting will call attendees very soon to see if those attendees are amenable to receiving their badges and event tickets through the mail.  And the longer things are in the "delayed" mode, the less likely that Gencon would send out free badges / event tickets to the attendees who selected will call due to not enough time to contact attendees and update their will call selection to mail.

Posted by buffythecatslayer

You cannot have "distancing" at Gen Con; any idea to try it borders on the insane and is wishful thinking.

Will-call is the least of the problems.  The one place you could somewhat distance people is standing in line, even if the line snakes around the entire LOS block.  The rest of the Con, that doesn't work.

To keep a 6' distance from people, everyone needs to have their own 50 square foot space.  So, in the dealer hall, where you often get 20+ people in those same 50sq ft, do you really think you can keep people that separated?  I've been crowded into 10x20' booths doing demos with a dozen or more people in there, and that density is pretty much the norm in most dealer booths.  Any plan to distance would render the dealer hall pretty much useless.

How about in the game rooms?  You need ~12' diameter (36' circumference) tables to keep 6 people at the proper distance, and the tables have to be at least 8' apart (to allow for chairs & bodies).  Most of the game rooms have 6' tables, and barely have enough space to walk between the chairs.  From where is all this extra space magically going to appear?

For Gen Con not to be a complete shell of itself, things need to be back to the point where people can be crammed like sardines into the hall & the gaming areas, or IMO, it's just not worth doing.

Posted by wildcat78 al_kesselring

al_kesselring wrote:
father bloodlust wrote:
arcus wrote:
wildcat78 wrote:
raidkillsbugsded wrote:

Does this mean I might not be able to bring a stroller through the dealer hall?

Roughly 880 people socially distancing in a line stretches for 1 mile. capacity of the great hall is in the thousands
i wonder what it will be like to be waiting in West Lafayette to get into the CMON booth.
It was the vision of this at Will Call that made me have my badge/tickets shipped to me this year.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Will Call was dropped this year and the badges/tickets just mailed to everyone.

    First, I want it known that I agree that if Gencon goes off, sending every attendees badge and event tickets would lessen the social contact of people waiting in line.  This could potentially lessen close interaction that could lead to unwanted unintended virus spread - and I agree that badges / event tickets should be sent through the mail if at all possible to lower the spread - even if it only lowers it by a fraction.
    Where I have a problem with that is I paid for the option of getting my tickets through the mail.  If everyone who selected will call was sent their badges / event tickets, I would end up paying for something that some of the other attendees who had chosen "will call", obtained for free.
    How would you propose to even that cost out?
    In some previous discussion, it was pointed out that some attendees have various reasons why they need to pick up their badges / event tickets at "will call."  Considering that time is getting narrower, it would be difficult to contact and finalize plans whether or not the current will call attendees can accept and pick up their badges / event tickets via the mail.  I'm not saying it can't be done in time - I'm saying that if that was a direction Gencon wanted to proceed, then due to time constraints, I would imagine that they'd have to start contacting will call attendees very soon to see if those attendees are amenable to receiving their badges and event tickets through the mail.  And the longer things are in the "delayed" mode, the less likely that Gencon would send out free badges / event tickets to the attendees who selected will call due to not enough time to contact attendees and update their will call selection to mail.

it doesn’t have to be free shipping, the con can ask people to pay before they ship a badge

or they could move to electronic badges on your smartphone 

I reckon the mailing cut off date for badge mailing is 2 weeks before the event domestic and probably 4 international (if it’s even available) but that’s just a guess.

on another note - if Gen Con is cancelled I am going to have so much pent up gaming energy I will either go completely berserk in 2021 and blow up my budget by a factor of 78, or I will slake my gaming thirst by forcing railyard boxcar hobos to play Arkham Horror with me.  

Then we will LARP Call of Cthulhu 

Then we will actually summon Cthulhu


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